Quick Resources

A Plan To Save Rural Debate

Akshat Anand | 7/24/24

"Whether you come from schools with extensive debate programs or have achieved individual success, remember that the debate community exists because of the people that make it up. Let's uphold the community and support our fellow rural debaters."

Forensics: A Fashion Show?

Shriya Surana | 7/17/24

"Over and over again we tell the students that they must change and minimize themselves to fit into an archetype for the judge...we do not become a better speaker by wearing shoulder pads, concealer, or heels to cover up who we authentically are. Forensics shouldn't be a fashion show, it should be a documentary. And you’re the star."

De-Briefing Debate

Danielle Scantlin | 6/27/24

"In reality, crafting a good case goes far beyond what a brief says you should write, and being able to debate and analyze topics yourself may prove more valuable than anything you can get from a brief. However, creating cases that will win means having the experience, know-how, resources, and coaching that a lot of regions across the U.S. simply lack."

More about us

Equality in Forensics is a student-run nonprofit organization that provides free and online resources to make speech and debate more accessible to students, educators, and coaches across America. We host a regularly updated blog, produce free and online resources, sponsor free coaching services, and host free events. Equality in Forensics has a mission of making speech and debate accessible to high school students across the country. We accomplish this through substantive, impactful activism.

Our community

Join us on Discord!

Equality in Forensics fosters an active, tight-knit community in the Discord server. Here, we publish announcements, host events, and give debaters the opportunity to network and learn from each other.

Follow us on Instagram!


Equality in Forensics runs a regularly updated Instagram page that posts our blog articles, announces new events and opportunities, and engages with the rest of the speech and debate community.

Subscribe to us on YouTube!

Equality in Forensics publishes high quality video content to help students learn speech and debate events, get informed on new debate topics, and learn from the best competitors across the world.